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April 6, 2016

All About Legs: 15 moves in 15 minutes

By Emily Field

This 15 minute leg routine will take you through the 3 common squat positions:  basic, narrow, and plie. Once mastered, additional variations are provided for each position to give you an unbelievably effective lower body workout!

STATIC SQUAT: Focus on getting in proper form--1 minute

  1. Weight in heels & outer edge of feet
  2. Pelvis tilted back
  3. Chest tall

BASIC SQUAT: Move through the entire motion in a steady rhythm--1 minute

SQUAT HEEL RAISE: As you extend legs straight, lift heels off the ground--1 minute

SQUAT ROCK: In low position, shift weight from heels to toes--1 minute

SQUAT SIDE STEP: In low position, extend foot out to the side. 4 steps each direction--1 minute

SQUAT STOMP: In low position, flex your hips and lift foot off the ground--1 minute


NARROW SQUAT: Focus on getting in proper form, moving at a steady rhythm--1 minute

  1. Feet together, weight in heels
  2. Pelvis tilted back
  3. Chest tall

SINGLE LEG SQUAT TAPS: Keep weight on one side, extend other leg out without shifting weight--30 seconds/side

SQUAT + LEG RAISE: Narrow squat down and lift opposite leg straight to the side--30 seconds/side

SQUAT + FRONT KICK: Narrow squat down, bend knee up and extend leg out straight in front--30 seconds/side

SQUAT + BACK KICK: Narrow squat down, bend knee up and extend leg out straight behind, chest lowered toward the ground--30 seconds/side


PLIE SQUAT: Focus on getting in proper form, move at a steady rhythm--1 minute

  1. Toes turned out 45 degrees
  2. Knees stay wide, weight in outer edge of feet
  3. Pelvis tucked under slightly, core and chest tall

SQUAT SHUFFLE: In low, wide stance, move laterally 4-6 steps each direction--1 minute

SQUAT QUICK STEP: In a low, wide stance, run in place as quickly as you can--1 minute

SQUAT HEEL CLAPS: Finish strong! Plie squat down and jump up, clapping your heels together at the top of the jump--1 minute (you can do it!!)



8 years ago

Before starting your squat, shift your hips back like you are sticking your butt out the back door. This anterior tilt will allow you to take stress off your knees. Do what feels the most comfortable for you but your knees should not be much over your toes (general rule). When you lower and eccentrically contract you will be sticking your butt back like you are going to barely tap a chair behind you with your rear. As you come up and concentricly contract, squeeze your glutes. Hope this help!! Just focus on good form 1st!!!!

Karmen Siddiq

8 years ago

Love love love this! An easy no equipment needed workout

Teresa Smitch

8 years ago

Thank you sooooo much?


8 years ago

My knees have been giving me a lot of pain. My dr says I'm not doing squats correctly. I appreciate your video, but could you show now from the side view & give verbal directions please?




