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March 24, 2015

The Struggle of Weight LOST

By Angela Beeler

Carrie Bennett is a REFIT® Instructor in Terre Haute, Indiana...and she's a revolution.  Her weight loss journey has been nothing short of a Jesus-filled experience, and we're blown away by what Carrie is learning through this process.  Her story will probably inspire most of you, so read about Carrie's story in her own words:


"I'm realizing just how psychological the weight loss process is. In fact, I think it involves and impacts our mental being as much as - if not more than - our physical one.   

I had photos taken a few months back by one of my participants. We were trying to get a good "After" shot of my 85 pound weight loss. She tagged me in all of them today on Facebook. She sees a beautiful, strong survivor when she looks at me, and I thought I saw the same thing until I was face to face with those "After" pictures. I still feel like the "fat kid" even though I know I'm not. An arm pit fat roll here, a thigh that is bigger than I would like there...I'm still tearing myself apart. And I know I look GOOD, but sometimes my heart returns to that place, and I just can't see the new me.

I'm sharing this with you guys for 2 reasons:
1. I know MANY of you are walking this path with me, experiencing the same confusing emotions that accompany weight loss. You are not ungrateful for your success or "Just too picky". You are experiencing the emotional part of a dramatic personal change that not a lot of people talk about. You're trying to come to terms with the new you.  I realize I'm worth the effort and my worth is not directly tied to the number on the scale.  The very best part of losing weight is the fact that I feel healthy and strong, and the process has led to a greater relationship with Jesus who has been the driving force behind my success.

2. I also think its important for us who walk beside people in this struggle as their fitness instructors to recognize the emotional toll this long and TOUGH process has on a person. Just because we have success on the scale doesn't mean the hurt of the past is magically erased. As Lysa Terkeurst says in Made to Crave, "If I was unhappy when I was larger, I'll still be unhappy when I get smaller." We need more than a band aid fix to have lasting change. It will help your participants immensely if you can see this struggle as valid.

And this brings me to my main point: I am SO GRATEFUL that REFIT® gets this! Angela, Catherine and Emily, this may not have been an intentional by-product you had in mind when creating REFIT®, but the way you have structured this as a community-centered, supportive program enables those people who struggle in this area to remove the band aid they have placed on their hurt and start some real healing - which leads to lasting change. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."



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8 years ago

Wow I must confess you make some very treanhcnt points.

Brenda Marciniszyn

10 years ago

I forgot to say that I have posted a video of my weight loss of Facebook if you are interested in watching me shrink. Look for Brenda Zyn.

Brenda Marciniszyn

10 years ago

I, too, have struggled with a weight problem. I had Grave's disease, a thyroid disease, and had to have radiation which wiped out the functioning part of the gland making it underactive. I had gained weight and then gained even more after that. Add to the fact that I was an emotional eater made for double trouble. I never felt full so I ate and ate to feel full, but there were two emptinesses in me; one physical and one emotional. I was out of control. I was out of options. I needed help. I developed Sleep Apnea and high blood pressure and had to use a Cpap machine at night to keep me breathing and was on 3 blood pressure medications. So in 2009 I decided to give myself a Christmas present. I had a Gastric Sleeve procedure. This involved having 1/2 of my stomach removed. Drastic, yes. Miracle cure? NO. Just a tool to help me get a balance. It was up to me to make it work. After recovery, I had to learn how to eat properly and in the right proportion. This was the hardest part of the whole process. I never cried so much in all my life. Now I had to face everything I had been stuffing down with food. I was in the Refiner's fire and He had just stoked the flames! God will use anything and anybody to do His will and get His way! Thankfully I learned a hard lesson, but I wouldn't go back now for anything. Self control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. I laid aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnared me and let God do what He wanted to do with me. Through the process I was healed of the Sleep Apnea (which could have killed me as well as the high blood pressure) and taught me that the sin of gluttony had to be given up. What a wonderful, caring Father we have Who finds ways to help us in our needs and struggles.

Michelle Wetnight

10 years ago

Carrie, because of you, I have found that I CAN be stronger...I CAN do more....I CAN stop making excuses. You ARE a beautiful person...inside and out. You make strengthening my body. heart. ..and my sprit a JOY! I love you for being raw and painfully honest. Your light shines BRUGHTLY for Jesus first, and I think that's why he chooses YOU to impact His kingdom for both their body and soul!! Dancing is your ministry. ...your called to reach REAL PEOPLE with your hard work and dedication to see us succeed. My heart is stronger physically since I started #refitwithCarrie. And my heart is stronger emotionally as Ive found a true friend in your your struggle! !! Together, we can be the best we've ever been!! I am so very proud of you!

Ada Velez

10 years ago

Thank you for your transparency. As one on that same path, it's nice to know there are folks out there who actually get it. That's one of the reasons I love REFIT. Takes body, mind, and soul (or body, mind, spirit) into consideration. Thanks again. THIS IS TRUTH!!!!

Amy Johnson

10 years ago



10 years ago

I admire your journey and what you chose to go into a lot and I want to tell you that most of your words have inspired me a lot :)) cuz I think a lot about how my number on the scale will be at the beginning of every week :( and this bother me a lot when I feel that I have broken my diet even if it was for one meal in the whole week :( but I'm trying to feel that its more important to be healthy than to be slim :)) I still have 50 kilos to lose (I'm from Egypt and we measure our weight with kilogram so I don't know what will this be equal in pounds :D ) and I download your videos and follow them :) and here's a thing that I would love to tell you, when I follow your zumba dance I do it with LOVE unlike when I do the simple workout ^_^ and this is what makes me want to practice everyday :)) if you really want to love what you do, you need to do it with love and this is what you guys really make me feel <3 I support what you do a lot and I hope that I would share a story like yours with you one day :)) because you will be part of it :**




