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Our core concepts inspire everything that we do.


We believe that the heart is more than a muscle. That a person is more than a body. That relationships are as important as results. We believe fitness isn’t just for the’s for the willing.

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The body you have is the body we want -- and that’s the body at work! No matter your size, shape, age or experience, REFIT® is the perfect fit for everybody and every BODY. We believe you’re worth the workout, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.



Throw doubt, fear and insecurity to the wind. You’re worth the workout! REFIT® transforms your mind by elevating your thinking about what it means to be “fit." You’ll walk out of class feeling weightless, accomplished and ready to take on the world!



REFIT® moves beyond the body into a life-changing experience. We believe the heart is both a muscle and a soul, and the impact of this targeted approach creates a deeper sense of connection, self-worth and lasting change.





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REFIT On Demand

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REFIT On Demand

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The REFIT® journey began in 2009 with a passion for people and a desire to see fitness evolve into a life-changing fitness experience. Founders Angela Beeler, Catherine Ballas and Emily Field decided that "community" was the missing piece in the fitness industry, and that connection was the key to lasting internal and external change. The trio built REFIT on a foundation of higher values, turning a fitness class into a revolutionary movement that transforms lives beyond the workout.

Angela Beeler

Founder and CEO of REFIT® Revolution

Angela is an Enneagram 8 who loves good food, chunky babies and great that order. With over 8 years of professional experience in the fitness industry, Angela is passionate about seeing people live their best lives as the best version of themselves. Angela enjoys long walks in the park, a good glass of prosecco and leaving voice memos at all hours of the day. Her REFIT contributions include strategic vision/planning, instructor training and development, product creation, and marketing. She is also a self-professed hotel snob due to her love of fluffy bathrobes and fancy toiletries.

“Nothing has transformed my life more than realizing that it’s a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reaction of the people in the stands.” Brené Brown

Catherine Ballas

Founder and CEO of REFIT® Revolution

You may recognize Catherine from Season 5 Episode 15 of HGTV's Fixer Upper, but her real passion is living life as her alter ego, “DJ CAPPS.” Catherine desires to inspire people to live to their fullest potential, and she occasionally attempts this by impersonating Michael Jackson. Catherine holds a degree in Film & Digital Media and also holds an extensive library of 90’s rap lyrics in her head. Her REFIT contributions include strategic vision, cultural development, business partnerships, product development, and all the things. Catherine is an Enneagram 1, loves food, adventure, good conversation, and hilarious people.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Emily Field

Founder of REFIT® Revolution

Emily is a Waco native and a former nomad with a high need to experience all the things. She is down for anything, up for everything, and is a 7 on the Enneagram (clearly). Helping people find a place where they belong and can grow stronger body-mind-soul is what motivates her to give 100% each day. Her energy is directed towards the fitness components of REFIT, the general operations of the REFIT Studio in Waco, and raising two equally-energized toddlers. Emily’s perfect day would be a cool morning with a tree-line view, a hot afternoon by the pool, and a rainy night on the couch. Call her if this place exists.

"No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don't have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have." –– Seneca



Isabelle O., Utah


"Through REFIT®, I’ve learned that facing fear head on is the best way to become stronger. I have come so far this year. I have SO far to go but because of REFIT®, I now know that I am up for the challenge."

Jan 1, 1970

Chelsea J., Colorado


"Being a REFIT® instructor is up-lifting and makes me so full of joy. A year ago, I was terrified to become an instructor, still thinking I wasn't good enough, and today it's the first thing I share with people."

Jan 1, 1970

Kristie N., West Virginia


"REFIT® believes in healing from the inside out. It's about being accepted for who you really are and finding people just like you who have the same challenges and victories. It's about lifting each other up and supporting each other. It's about laughing and fun and reaching goals you'd never thought you'd reach."

Jan 1, 1970

Laura B., Minnesota


"In no other place in my life have I been able to mentor, love, accept and share life like I can here. This introvert turns extrovert and thrives amongst all the people."

Jan 1, 1970

Kristin O., Idaho


"I teach REFIT® to provide people with opportunities to feel good about themselves!"

Jan 1, 1970

Jacqueline P., Ohio


"The REFIT® community is amazing. It has provided a safe, positive place for me to workout!! I love the time with my daughter and my REFIT® girls! It’s such a blessing to be part of something so amazing."

Jan 1, 1970

Charis B., Australia

ROD Subscriber

"I started doing REFIT® Youtube videos and noticed changes in my confidence and concentration . . . so I joined REFIT® On Demand. I found that REFIT® helped me to manage my specific health challenges. Whenever I felt overwhelmed and close to panic, I would do a REFIT® class and it would help balance me out again. REFIT® has been a source of joy that I've not experienced for many years. I feel connected to the instructors and other class members."

Jan 1, 1970

Jaime W., Missouri

ROD Subscriber

"Today I am reminded how much happier I am when I get to do REFIT®! It opens my head, it helps me make better choices, and it just gets that grump thing out of my way. It’s always something I WANT to do."

Jan 1, 1970

Tisha W., Texas


"I REFIT® for my health. It’s like family here."

Jan 1, 1970

Gregoria C., Texas


"My heart is happy when I’m here. The music relaxes me, gives me joy and takes away my stress."

Jan 1, 1970

Sherene C., Ohio


"If I miss a REFIT® class, my instructors message me because they care about me as a whole person. Not what I look like, how much money I have, or how much weight I’ve lost. There is no social hierarchy at REFIT®, no condemnation, no self-reproach allowed. My baggage of self-loathing and self-doubt is left at the door. I have the freedom to love myself and build not just a healthy body, but a healthy heart and soul."

Jan 1, 1970

Amber S., Texas


"When I walked into my first REFIT® class, I was depressed, not confident, and in need of something different. The instructors of the class made me feel like I belonged and like I mattered. Instead of quitting , I wanted to keep coming back because of the people. My REFIT® community walked with me through becoming a foster mom and supported us when we received our first placement. It is truly amazing how REFIT® is so much more than a workout."

Jan 1, 1970

Jennifer P. and Heather H., Washington

Training Hosts

"Witnessing the growth and strength of our local REFIT® community has been powerful beyond words. As instructor training hosts, we have been able to personally connect with local instructors and build a community that is vibrant and empowered."

Jan 1, 1970

Michelle B., North Carolina

Training Host

"The impact of this training has given me more confidence and a sense of accomplishment. I am not leery of tackling any event large or small now."

Jan 1, 1970

Jen Y., Ohio

Training Host

"Although it's humbling to take on the responsibility of hosting a training, it has increased my confidence as a leader in my REFIT® community and beyond. I've grown significantly in my skills of organization, creativity and leadership, which has impacted many areas of my life."

Jan 1, 1970

Lisa A., Louisiana

Training Host

"The experience class was an opportunity to introduce so many in our area to REFIT® for the first time, to show everyone where the heart of the mission flows down from, and to get to be part of heart-changes and aha moments for those who walked in feeling unworthy."

Jan 1, 1970

Erika B., Kentucky

Training Host

"REFIT® truly is a program that works not only on the physical, but builds the heart as a soul and connects people in ways that builds community like no other program I have experienced."

Jan 1, 1970

Kaydee G. & Season E., Nebraska

Training Hosts

"We loved watching friends and participants step out of their comfort zones and attend a REFIT® training. They had their eyes opened to the possibilities and potential they have...even though we knew it was there all along! It has been a real gift to watch the growth and transformation happen in someone else's life!"

Jan 1, 1970

Traci A. & Lori P., California

Trainings Hosts

"We see lives impacted by REFIT® at every class, and we don't want to keep that to ourselves. We hosted a training in order to move the REFIT® Revolution outside our own class doors and into the broader community."

Jan 1, 1970


