Wrapping up a REFIT® training weekend isn’t easy. We call it “The Re-entry”. Re-entry is the moment when we arrive home and leave behind an adrenaline-packed weekend of fitness events, amazing people and travel (mis)adventures.
It’s a hard transition for me, personally, because reality has a way of smacking me in the face the moment my feet hit the ground. The laundry is piled up, the kids want my attention, the emails and messages have gone unanswered, the house is a wreck, business issues are pressing…and it’s enough to make me regret the time away.
And then, the mommy guilt sets in.
I’m an all-or-nothing kinda gal, and when mommy guilt sets in – I want out. Out of the busy schedule. Out of the demands of being an entrepreneur. Out of the tag team parenting. Out of the futile attempt to balance it all. I JUST WANT OUT.
Thankfully, “out” is neither an option nor a solution.
This month we’re talking about a word that I think will help the “all or nothing” personality types out there. That word is MODIFICATION. For the month of May we’ll be focusing on ways to modify our lives to create space, balance, clarity and lots of other good-for-you things.
The definition of modification is: to make partial or minor changes to something, typically as to improve it or make it less extreme. We hear a lot of talk about MODERATION, but modification is a different beast and in our opinion, a more attainable goal for the vast number of women who are committed to a rather chaotic, demanding, schedule-driven life.
We realize that the call to "simplify" and "do less" and "prioritize" works for many women, but isn't always a fit for those dealing with an over-scheduled schedule...and that's okay.
Women shouldn't feel “less than” because their complex, disorganized, everything-is-a-priority lives won’t bow to concepts like “simplicity” "prioritize” and “do less”.
For these women, we’ll be discussing ways to make small modifications that will hopefully improve processes, create efficiency, provide options and renew perspective and clarity. We’re excited to tackle our existing lives and implement practical switches that will reduce the chaos and help us become a confident ringmaster of our circus-like lives.
Make sure you're connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so we can discuss ways to modify: your diet, your workouts, your negative thought patterns, your business, your life, your heart, etc.
And speaking of modification, we’d love to know if you're currently modifying anything? We'd love to be inspired by your modification ideas. Leave a comment below and give us a glimpse into your modification process!
Marion Palomino
10 years ago
Catherine Ballas
10 years ago
Marion Palomino
10 years ago
10 years ago
Tammy Bauman
10 years ago
Angela Beeler
10 years ago
Angela Beeler
10 years ago
Angela Beeler
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
Amber Keller
10 years ago