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July 13, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 6: Free FROM Food

By Emily Field

Food choices are influenced by a number of factors. We feel the main 3 areas are:

FJ graphic

If we allow ourselves to get “stuck” within any one or all of these negative influences…we begin to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. Some of us have been in a life-long life-sucking relationship with food. It no longer fuels us. It no longer brings joy. It controls us, mocks us, shames us, and overwhelms us…causing us to throw our hands in the air and believe the lie that it’d be better to starve ourselves or indulge in whatever comes within arms’ reach. We think: It’s impossible to do it RIGHT, so we might as well go down swinging for the fences. The result is living life in an extreme state of diet agony.


You can choose different.


It may not feel like a choice. The chains may be strapped so tight that you feel completely powerless and immobile when it comes to attempting a “healthy diet”. But we are here to tell you…even if the battle has lasted for decades…you have the power to be in motion towards a healthy relationship with food.


Are you still checking in?  Head over to the REFIT® Freedom Journey Facebook page and answer your check in question of the day: CLICK HERE

Tonight's NEW NORTH STAR will include a video interview with REFIT® instructor, Claire Harvison. Make sure to check your email and listen to Claire as she openly shares her journey to whole health.



9 years ago

Hey Lorie! Well I have absolutely LOVED greens as a child and perhaps one of the ways you can try is to first try greens that are incorporated IN something - like a vegetarian burger, or tomato soup, or even to try eating fresh greens WITH your chicken or beef together in one bite. Then maybe try out a really really good salad your friends have tried somewhere like a really decent chicken salad which is exploding with flavour. Then maybe you can make a fruit salad if you've already liked fruit - then just throw in some baby lettuces and a little fresh onions or maybe even baby tomatoes, with a little dressing to make it more tantalizing to your tastebuds. Afterwards if you feel totally comfortable eating veggies WITH something, try out eating vege on it's own! Try it fresh, or cooked to your liking. But the most important part of it is this: maybe at first you'll loathe the taste of vege, but if you're DETERMINED enough to continue eating vege, you'll eventually love it's tastes! ^-^ Trust me!

Jennifer lewis

9 years ago

This is coming from a reformed anti-veggie girl! There is hope for you!! I was raised by a VERY health conscious mom, yet I loathed veggies. I hit 40 and decided that had to change. Start basic. Romaine salads with cucumbers, chicken, some nuts, maybe fruits, and a vinigerette. Spinach and green beans are pretty neutral too. I put spinach in my smoothies and I've gotyrn to like kale in them too. Try grilling them even if you just do it in the oven with some balsamic vinegar you might find your really like them. You have to find what works for you I like balsamic vinegar and sometimes other little sausage on them but I make sure that their light and don't have a lot of salt. I've got until like pretty much every vegetable except raw tomatoes !

Lorie Kaczmarek

9 years ago

I was just wondering if you have any ideas on how to introduce fresh veggies to someone who never "liked" them , were not really introduced to them as a child and just wants to eat and be healthy..




