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July 14, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 7: Free IN Body

By Emily Field

Many of you are very familiar with REFIT®, while others may just be getting to know us around here.  Whether you're hearing this for the 1st or 41st time, we want to remind you of the purpose and the vision of what we do. At the genesis of REFIT®, we asked ourselves a very simple question: What if fitness could be more than fitness? Yes.  Yes, it can.  From there we decided to focus on people's internal issues, rather than the external problems. And we thought it'd be pretty revolutionary to go after the soul of the heart, in addition to strengthening its muscle.  All the while radically loving each body that walks through the door, sends an email, or leaves a comment.

We chose this path because we wholly believe the body is a temple, and within that temple is a powerful, grace-filled, wildly free Holy Spirit.  To trap our bodies within a fitness regimen that kills our joy and highlights our defects is not honoring our temple...or our Spirit.

God reminds us in Galatians 5, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Some of us are slaves to our workout, our number of reps, and our number of steps each day. We have gone from physical activity to physical anguish in attempt to control, mask, numb, and exhaust the internal issue. The fine line between passion and addiction may be keeping us from authentically loving and positively responding to ourselves.  Just as much, the desperate desire to be more "fit" can cause our trying body to grow weary of constant defeat.

We have a challenge for you: Instead of working out for up to celebrate what your body can do. Instead of sitting defeated by the exercise you can't accomplish...rejoice in each minute you just kept moving.

When was the last time you experienced JOY while exercising and you felt FREE to express yourself and feed your soul and mind? Well, how about today.  We compiled a playlist that we invite you to do as a way to celebrate, love, and reward yourself.  Each song has your freedom-seeking soul in mind.  Remove the guilt, put down the monitors, and simply move freely in your body. CLICK HERE for the 30 minute workout just for our Freedom Journey makers!

But first...head over to Facebook for today's check in question. CLICK HERE



9 years ago

Good point! We need to find excitement and joy in movement of any kind! I'm part of a community of "farm girls", rural, urban, suburban, that find joy in "farm aerobics". Joy coming from our daily farm chores, enjoying all of God's creation, while getting a pretty good total body workout! Of course, lovin' me some Refit, too! Lol!

Judy Taylor

9 years ago

Thank you for the great workout!


9 years ago

Thank you for this and the 30 minute work out!




