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July 20, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 10: The Freedom to Choose

By Angela Beeler

Freedom to Choose

 Today we’re going to give you some power, and we’re not talking about power in the way the world talks about power. Power isn’t about money, status, position or education. The power we’re giving you comes from one simple phrase: the power to choose.

 Many of us are stuck in a role that forces us to act, think and behave a certain way. The freedom of choice is reduced to basic decisions like

“should I eat fish or chicken?”

“do I want to do the laundry first or tackle the closet?”

“can I find time to workout 2 or 3 times this week?”

“should I invite Mary or Sarah over for brunch…or both?”

“can we afford a family vacation this year?”

And while these are important decisions that must be made and managed, many of us never tiptoe past the border of these mundane choices. Ladies, lean in and listen…Jesus absolutely cares about the mundane. He applauds your sacrifice, and He sees your commitment.

But He also senses your restlessness.

He feels your complacency. He notices your quiet longing, and He wants to unearth that in you. To bring it up to the surface. To give life to the dry places.

What I’m here to tell you is that most of us are flying through life on auto-pilot. Life is happening TO us. We are mere players in someone else’s game.

Can I challenge you today to turn off the auto-pilot? To take the reigns and begin CHOOSING to live life as He intends it? I know what you’re thinking, “That sounds great but who’s going to do the laundry, plan the vacation and how exactly am I supposed to LIVE life?!” There is a risk of death if we choose to simply coast. Author Paula Rinehart says it best,

“Are you going to live? Will you really grab hold of life in whatever shape God has given it and live as though you didn’t go around twice? As simple as that sounds…the temptation to shut down on the inside and settle for the crumbs under the table is one that every woman faces. We can so easily sleepwalk through our days – out of touch, disconnected half-alive. We can die before our time, really. On the inside, we can die before there are any visible signs.”


Who has died on the inside? Who has let themselves go out of resignation to reality? Who is numb? Who is coasting through life deadened to desire?

It’s not too late to tap into the power that can change the above scenarios, folks. The power to choose can literally transform and unlock the secret to living and loving well. Here are some practical tips for choosing to live:

  • Set aside time each week for self-investment. Whatever this looks like to you: shopping, cooking, time with friends, time alone, a long bath, a glass of wine on the porch. Give yourself permission to pull away from the mundane of life for an activity that is all about you.
  • Enjoy the company of others. Sometimes I convince myself that I’m too busy for friends or community, and after weeks of this mentality – I fray at the edges. Don’t do this! Force yourself to make time for others who encourage you and build you up. You may have to drag yourself there, but it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be refreshed when you leave.
  • Make much of the mundane. Laundry, groceries and work are a part of life, y’all. Challenge yourself to delight in the mundane of each task. For example, when you’re folding the laundry think of a fond memory for each person’s clothing that you’re folding. Or better yet, pray a one-sentence prayer for that person.
  • Practice gratitude. Because we have running water and a roof over our heads, we are considered “rich.” Practice extreme gratitude as often as you can. When you’re frustrated by the text conversation from your family, pause and give thanks for technology and family. Take time to remember what IS rather than focusing on what ISN’T.
  • Fire Journal. We all need a sacred place to be painfully, brutally honest. Take your thoughts captive by journaling every dark corner of your mind. Then, as an act of cleansing, burn your journal entry. You’ll be surprised by how much freedom you feel to be honest knowing that the words of your heart will be reduced to ashes. (Besides, Jesus already knows your thoughts!)
  • Use words that choose. Use two powerful words every chance you can: YES and NO. You get to choose which word you use. “Yes, I can volunteer at the women’s conference – I’ve been looking for an opportunity to plug in!” or “No, I’m sorry. I can’t host a baby shower at this time.”

Our study guide tonight will ask you to participate in your own Fire Journal session. Get those matches ready.  But for now, take the moments of this day to practice gratitude, celebrate the mundane and rejoice in the life-giving power to CHOOSE.

CHOOSE to go and Check In with us today!  Click HERE




10 years ago

"He notices your quiet longing, and He wants to unearth that in you. To bring it up to the surface. To give life to the dry places." Great quote! Good stuff! I'll quote ya! --"Sam"




