10 years ago, a former boss of mine asked me a question that I've recycled through every season of my life. That question is: when are you most creative? At the time I was in a creative job, working part time for a church. The question baffled me for a few reasons:
When do I feel most creative? I don't know. Creativity is catalytic, spontaneous, inspired, unplanned, it can't be formulaic.
The question did get me thinking. Is there an environment where creativity effortlessly flows? In contrast, is there an environment that makes creativity difficult to achieve? The answer is an obvious yes.
I went back to the last time that creative spark was lit. I thought through the environment, my state of mind, my heart, and what the experience was like. I drew a handful of conclusions about the experience.
Those conclusions have radically shaped my life. They have brought me to a deep place of understanding, to new heights of creativity, and to a place of continual rest.
REST. (Selah)
Something we crave, try to plan out, and hope to maintain...but for most of us REAL REST just doesn't happen.We tend to fall into two camps. 1) We don't think we need to rest. 2) We are afraid to rest, because if we do the world as we know it might fall apart.
As we've said before, this life is a marathon, not a sprint. In order to achieve maximum potential, you must learn to rest well. You've got to learn to take care of you. You've got to learn what truly refreshes you. I know for some of us, this sounds/feels selfish. It's counterintuitive to you. If you don't take good care of you, there will be no you left to take care of those you care most for.
In order to rest well, we also must learn what refreshes us. This isn't what refreshes your spouse, your best friend, pastor, or your small group leader. I am going to ask you a similar question that my dear old boss asked me:
When are you most refreshed?
What does that environment look like, feel like, smell like? Is it you in sweatpants with a good book and a huge cup of coffee on an oversized chair in front of a crackling fire? Or is it you with 2 of your besties eating a fabulous meal paired with your favorite wine?
The deepest part of me is creative. I have been created to create. That revelation came to me when I was in a state of rest. Identity is solidified when we are at rest. That state of rest is a result of taking time and space to do the thing that refreshes us.
Practically, for me, there are 3 scenarios where refreshment happen best. I have broken these down into what can I do now, what can I do in the next couple of months, what can I do this year (short term, mid term, long term refreshment).
For example, this weekend, I can put my phone down and take a couple hours to get some me time in, in 2 months I can schedule a girls weekend to the river, and this year I will go to the beach (my happy place) at least once.
So, I ask you...do you feel worthy of refreshment? You are. You, your co-workers, and your family need you in the game, not sitting on the sidelines. When are you most refreshed? What can you do this week to put some fuel in your tank?
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Much love,
Angela, *Catherine, and Emily
10 years ago
Catherine Ballas
10 years ago
Catherine Ballas
10 years ago
10 years ago
Louise Fournier
10 years ago