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July 27, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 13: Freedom In Redemption

By Catherine Ballas

“The voice of Shame says, I basically hate me; I need to get rid of me. The voice of Discipline says, I’ve got to fix me, because me is not good. God says, I love you; let me restore you. I like that one best. ”--Stasi Eldredge 

For our final week in the Freedom Journey you will hear our personal stories of freedom. Places that were once dark, shameful, and at times embarrassing that are now stories of redemption and glory. If you've ever been stuck, specifically stuck in your yuck you know the feeling can be overwhelming and at times, suffocating. Redemption seems distant and hope a memory.

Under the pain, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion...there is glory. Glory and beauty in each of you that is waiting be revealed.

Today, Angela shares her story of seeing the ashes of her circumstance be transformed into the beauty of her testimony.



9 years ago

What about those of us who chose a different route? Would we be unheroic? It's thoughts like this that make me apprehensive of sharing my story.

Debbi Robertson

10 years ago

Thank you Jennifer! I appreciate your encouragement. Blessings!

Jennifer Pratt

10 years ago

Debbi- I love your story and as a current REFIT Instructor I know you will love it! These gals and this program are top notch amazing! So follow your dream and congrats on staying healthy and fit!!!

Jennifer Pratt

10 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story friend! I love your openness and vulnerability. Being open and vulnerable to speak the truth of our lives is sooo powerful and draws people. I believe this is why people love you and also why God has given you such an amazing following! So glad to have you and REFIT as part of my life. You challenge me to be better! So thanks!


10 years ago

Beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing! I just discovered ReFit this morning after waking up with the Lord speaking to me about becoming certified for a dance fitness program - only I didn't know which one. I googled Dance Fitness and then Christian Dance Fitness and found your program. I've spent all day researching, watching your youtube channel and I'm so excited to not only find a dance fitness program where I love the music and choreography, but also the Christian base and the fact you all share unashamedly! Thank you! There are no classes that I can find in the north Fort Worth area, so I'm considering joining you all in Addison in October and hoping to fill the void in this area. I'm a 51 year old wife/mother who had spent the last many years out of shape and unfit. I stayed isolated because of shame and embarrassment of what I had done (or perhaps NOT done) to allow myself to get in the shape I was in. I have spent the majority of my life in dance - even taught for several years in my "younger" years and have been certified in another dance fitness program in past. Last year I made the decision to shed my shame (and fat) and get fit. I lost over 80 lbs and have been in my new lifestyle of maintaining that loss for nearly 9 months now. I'm determined to be fit and trim forever...I mean REALLY determined and I think by becoming an instructor, I can, not only be accountable to myself, but help others in the same place I've been in past. Your testimony is confirmation of that to me. Thank you again and blessings in abundance on you all!

Tammy Morris

10 years ago

That was beautiful, Angela! Thanks for sharing. I want to tell you and Sarah both that either of you could have taken a different path, but you chose to have your children that were not planned. I can relate because I was adopted as a baby. My biological mother could have chosen a different path also. Sarah, what you did was definitely brave and heroic as Angela said. I'm sure your son will grow up with a family that loves him and will take care of him. I know you want that for him. Please be at peace with that. He will be loved and might even seek you out one day and will probably tell you he loves you for what you did. I have wonderful and loving parents but I did get the chance to meet my biological mother when I was 26 years old. She gave birth to 10 children. She kept the first 5 and gave the last 5 of us up for adoption. She could have taken a different path but chose to have us and make sure we were taken care of. And you know what? I love her for that. I was able to tell her that the day before she died. You are in my prayers. God has this. Please know your parents will love you and will be thankful you chose to have your son. You may have been scared at the time. They will forgive you. You are in my prayers. Angela, your testimony had me in tears. I know your daughter loves you for the path you chose for her too. It's always a good thing when we choose to do what's best for our children. Angela, I'll bet your husband feels the same as I do about being adopted too.


10 years ago

Hi, Sam!!


10 years ago

Thanks, Kelley! Yes let's keep fighting together!


10 years ago

That's a great visual! He is carrying our luggage!


10 years ago

My husband was adopted at birth. You, my friend, gave an immeasurable gift. You could have easily chosen a different path...what you did was heroic.


10 years ago

This literally brought tears to my eyes. Your testimony completely resounded with me. I understand completely feeling the need to hide things from people because of fear of rejection. For me, it was hiding the birth of my son from not only my church, but my parents and family. I literally feel broken inside, because I gave my only child up for adoption and I haven't been able to get comfort from my family. And with that brokenness from that, comes the shame and fear of keeping this secret for four years. Four years of my family not knowing the most important part of my life. It brings joy to me to know that I am forgiven and have freedom in that forgiveness, but here's my question to you: My heavenly father forgives me, but what if my earthly one never does? What if my mother, brother, and sister don't ever forgive me for the four years of hiding and lies? It's a really scary thought.


10 years ago

A lot of times we are shamed at childhood and we carry that shame with us through life. Just look around at people--you can see it in their eyes. Jesus came and carried our shame and sorrow. Now, if He's carrying it, we don't have anything to carry! What a mighty God. Thanks for sharing Angela.


10 years ago

Excellent & Beautiful --"Sam"


10 years ago

What are complete blessing your testimony was for me his morning, Angela. I relate & understand some of those same feelings which I believe have had me stuck in a stagnant rut. Thank you for sharing! I will remember your example as I continue to fight the good fight. ??




