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July 7, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 3: Insecurity

By Angela Beeler

Insecurity is a strange thing.  Many of us wouldn't admit or even recognize insecure tendencies, but deep down we all have them.  I think one of the strongest places of insecurity for women is with body image.  While we won't jump into body image until next week, it's good to start talking about how to recognize insecurity and the way it makes us behave.

So what does insecurity look like?  Here are a few traits:

  • CONTROL.  Insecurity often goes hand in hand with fear.  When these two partner together, the result can be control.
  • BULLYING.  Insecurity can often make us the bully of the room.  We tear others down so that we feel better about ourselves.
  • OVER-CONFIDENCE.  Is it surprising that sometimes the most confident people are the ones plagued by insecurity?  It's true.
  • JEALOUSY.  If you have a friend or significant other who just can't seem to share you with anyone else, chances are insecurity is the reason.  Maybe you have trouble sharing?  Time to check your insecurity meter.
  • PEOPLE PLEASING.  In an attempt to keep a relationship, do you attempt to over-accommodate someone?

Did any of these traits jump out at you?  Having one or all of these traits does not necessarily mean you're insecure.   Exhibiting these traits consistently in several situations or relationships could indicate you struggle with insecurity.

We've seen hundreds of transformations within our REFIT® Fitness classes in the area of insecurity -- for example, the shy, overweight woman at the back of the room who is now the life of the party on the front row.  Is she on the front row because she lost weight and now she's skinny?  NO.  She's there because she tapped into a community of women who welcomed her, recognized her insecurities, and loved her anyway.

I like the idea that we can rally around each other's insecurities and love anyway...doesn't that give you a small confidence boost?

Watch Angela, Catherine & Emily discuss their thoughts on insecurity:

Don't forget to check in today!  Your Check In question is HERE.

Stay strong in heart, friends.  We're moving forward and upward.

Angela*, Catherine & Emily


Eugenia Wang

9 years ago

My insecurity comes out in a form of possessiveness with others. It is hard to let my close ones go far from me due to my personal fear of abandonment. I guess since I felt constantly abandoned by my parents as a child, I can be needy in my relationships with others. Although I am able to recognize this more through out the years, I still catch myself behaving this way toward others. I can relate to Catherine being an only child myself, your parents were your universe. However, when you have parents that constantly neglect your well being, you develop some insecurities about who you are as a person.....whether you are worthy of anyone's attention.




