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July 12, 2015

Freedom Journey Day 5: Free IN Food

By Emily Field

We’re going to start right off by saying there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT FOOD. There is NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT DIET. And there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT.

That’s kind of our approach to eating, in a nutshell.

But seriously, no two bodies are alike, so no two meal plans will have the same affect. To adhere to a diet plan simply because you were told what to eat typically doesn’t result in long-term change. Making healthy food choices will become easier when you know the outcome is desirable for your health and your overall quality of life.

Keeping a food journal is a tedious but super effective way to take inventory of your daily intake. It will reveal patterns in food groups, hungriest time of day, consistent cravings, etc. It’s not a quick fix. But everything worth fixing is worth the time. And you’re worth it.

72 hour food journaling:

  1. Write down WHAT you eat…and be as specific as possible with description & portions.
  2. Include WHY you are eating…and be as honest as possible. Were you hungry? Bored? Nervous? Sad? Eating to stay on a schedule?
  3. Describe HOW you feel when you are finished eating... physically, mentally, & emotionally. Satisfied? Stuffed? Happy? Swollen? Headache?


  • Tracking for less than 3 days won’t give a full scope of your typical diet, so try your best to stick it out for 72 hours.
  • Choose weekdays to track. Know that weekend eating may vary due to schedule.
  • Remember our subtle introduction about perfection? Yeah…that applies here. If you forget to write something down, IT’S OK. The purpose of this isn’t to get an exact calorie and nutrient count. The purpose is to identify the factors surrounding your consumption and to gain insight on what food makes you feel your best!


(Be sure to scroll all the way down to the follow-up questions)


Hey, don't forget to check in! Stay involved in the discussion by going to the REFIT® Freedom Journey Facebook page.  CLICK HERE



9 years ago

My husband and I found this to be so helpful. We did it together to lose weight. We only tracked our food, though, not feelings,etc. We did it for 1 week w/o changing eating habits so we would really know our reality! Then began making changes. We did this in 2012 and have maintained a much healthier weight but more importantly healthy way of choosing our foods.

Lizzie Scott

9 years ago

How do I get started in the freedom journey?!?




