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February 19, 2015

A "REAL" Fitness Instructor

By Angela Beeler

What does a fitness instructor look like?

Toned.  Skinny.  Teeny tiny waist.  Size 0-4.  6 pack abs.  Defined muscles.  Bulging biceps.  Is this what you'd say?

(We certainly give respect and applause to the fitness instructors who embody the physical definition of "in shape" -- we know some inspiring women with equally inspiring physiques!)

But what if we told you our REFIT® instructors might not look like the description above?  Would that comfort you or concern you?  Let me share a few thoughts...

We often receive emails from people interested in becoming a REFIT® instructor, but they have concerns:  I'm not fit enough.  I still have 20 pounds to lose.  I'm worried I'm too old.  I'm still on my own fitness journey.  I'm not a professional dancer.  

We love that in the midst of these shared concerns, we also hear their stories of passion and purpose.  And as most of us know, passion and purpose can really kick concerns, insecurities and doubt in the bootie.  Praise God.

When you build a fitness program on the foundation of "community", it has to be an all-inclusive program for any size, any shape, any fitness level, any heart, any soul....any BODY because everybody needs community.  Many individuals have responded to the stirring in their hearts to teach REFIT®, pushing past their own fears and concerns for the bigger goal of inspiring others to live lives of impact.  Their passion typically comes from a place of pain, trial or experience, and they want to help others overcome their own trials.

We never tire of receiving emails from instructors like Michelle, who shares her experience about teaching for the first time  God Sees

She goes on to say "I have a heart for people and I have a heart for fitness. This is why REFIT is so awesome!!!! People are real just like me!!  I'm told after every class 'thank you so much for doing this!! You inspire me!!'  Oh, those are the words  I have taken so long to accept, and I feel I have now accepted the fact that I am inspiring others.  I am not looking in the rearview mirror...I am only looking forward."

I remember meeting Michelle for the first time at our instructor training in North Carolina.  She was shy with a beautiful smile, and she was quick to share that she wasn't actually planning on teaching--it was more of a personal goal.  Well, God has bigger plans.

Far past our own doubts and unspoken dreams, Jesus is weaving a journey that not only includes us...but requires us.

The fitness journey can be an overwhelming and often isolating experience paved with many failures.  REFIT® desires to give anyone a place to try, and struggle, and learn, and a community of REAL. We believe that fitness isn't just for the's also for the willing.  Each time we read a success story, like Michelle's, we know that we're on to something...and that something is changing the shape of fitness, one "real" instructor at a time.

[caption id="attachment_4082" align="alignnone" width="806"]Screen shot 2015-02-19 at 9.21.52 PM Michelle and her REFIT® class in North Carolina[/caption]




Michelle Burton

10 years ago

Southside Baptist Church 525 South Broad Street Mooresville NC @6:30 no cost for the class we do a mission for the month, this month it is canned food for the local soup kitchen if you feel lead to give, but is not required.

Kellie Hopper

10 years ago

Where is this class at? How much is it? How do I sign up?

Kendra McCachern

10 years ago

Michelle and I have been Zumba buddies for several years. We started running with a running group at the same time in an effort to do a 5K at the end of the training. Not only did she finish that 5K (I did not) but has done countless races since then. To watch her confidence level soar higher and higher over the years has been a wonderful experience. And the day she told me that she had become a REFIT instructor was music to my ears. Her plan was to keep this under wraps and be satisfied with accomplishing another goal. I'm so thankful that God had bigger plans for her. My Monday nights are so fun now! She is an amazing instructor with a heart full of love and compassion for ALL people!!

Jill Garrigan

10 years ago

Michelle is AMAZING!!! I met her in a Zumba class years ago and she was just as inspiring then!!! She was always smiling and encouraging everyone - Go Michelle!!!

Christine Driessen

10 years ago

You really are inspiring, Michelle! Thank you for sharing your story. I have struggled with the thought that I am not fit enough, or outgoing enough, etc. to become a REFIT instructor, and that there are so many others out there more qualified than me. But I am coming to terms with the fact that God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. It is my goal to become a REFIT instructor, but it will have to be after I give birth to my first baby (I am 15 weeks pregnant). I am excited to see what the future holds.

Brenda Carlson

10 years ago

Michelle, Thanks for sharing your story! My FAVORITE instructor of all time, the one I would happily pay $20 per class to take from if I had the opportunity was a "REAL" fitness instructor. Her weight fluctuated, her thighs shook and she was beautiful, inspiring and FUN!! We need instructors that are real!

Brandy Myrick

10 years ago

Michelle is an amazing lady!! Monday's got a whole lot better when she started up her REFIT® Class at her church. Her bright smile and upbeat personality are just a few of her exceptional qualities! I'm so honored to call her "my friend!" Love you lady!




