Heather Harkins
Refit Instructor
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17”
Heather Harkins
Refit Instructor
REFIT is a natural extension of my love for music and dance. I took dance for several years in elementary school, twirled in high school, and taught dance for 4-5 years.
The mission and vision of REFIT falls right in line with where God has called me in ministry. I currently guide families who have chosen to homeschool as well as teach 6th-12th grade homeschoolers once a week AND I am the Preschool and Children's Minister at my church. God has a place and purpose for everyone, and I would love for you to join our community.
Spring classes start back April 22.
FREE, but donations are welcome.
Current Jam:
Favorite REFIT® choreography:
any hip-hop or MJ song
Favorite Power Snack:
peanut butter
Secret Superpower:
Song Lyric Pro
Ridgecrest Baptist Church
7789 Gadsden Hwy Trussville
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