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May 26, 2015

We Don't Want You To Teach REFIT®

By Angela Beeler


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We recently sent an email encouraging our Instructors to stop teaching REFIT®.  As ludicrous as it sounds, we're serious.  Our desire is to equip fitness leaders to go above and beyond simply teaching a fitness class.  Maybe some of you out there are struggling to find meaning in your own fitness career.  Maybe you've been in the industry too long and have lost that lovin' feeling.  Maybe you're considering joining the REFIT® community as an instructor.  Or maybe you're looking for a fitness class where a connections are made and community is celebrated.   If any of these scenarios describe where you are right now, we encourage you to read on:


Can we share something with you?

We don't want you to teach REFIT®.  

Now before you start an email to the home office filled with concern and criticism, let us explain.

We don't want you to teach REFIT®...we want you to live REFIT®.

There's a difference between the two, and we're asking you to take inventory and decide whether you're teaching or living REFIT®.  We've identified two major distinctions:



TEACHING REFIT® puts focus on the specific nuts and bolts of class:  the order of the playlist, the intensity level of the workout, the choreography, the use of Connection Cards, etc.
LIVING REFIT® puts focus on how the nuts and bolts work together to create a powerful, unifying experience.



TEACHING REFIT® creates an inward focus. Your instructorship, your performance, your mistakes, your class attendance, etc. all become ways in which you measure your success as an instructor.
LIVING REFIT® creates an outward focus.  You measure your success by smiles, laughter, new friendships, dedicated fans and a community of acceptance.

So?  Are you teaching or living?  Are you a little of both?  Neither?  That's completely okay!  It's normal for instructors to stress out about the practicals of building a class and forget the intention behind it.  In contrast, it's also normal for instructors to focus on the "big picture" and throw the details out the window.

With experience comes wisdom, and our hope is that each class will bring you closer and closer to living REFIT®...not just teaching it.  And here's our bit of wisdom for you today:

Keep your mind focused on the destination, but keep your heart focused on the journey.

Can we commit to putting down the road map and looking at our passengers?  Can you keep their faces and their stories before you as you make decisions and choices not in an effort to cater to them, but in an attempt to create for them?  Can you hold your fitness community with an open hand, not a clenched fist? Can you give 100% to each class knowing that it's ultimately and completely out of your control?
If you're answer is "yes" then you're well on your way to living REFIT®,  and we truly believe your classes will dramatically change as a result.  (And if you're not a REFIT® instructor, no worries!  You can apply this same focus and intention to your own fitness class.  We wish you lots of growth and connection!)

We want you living REFIT® and with each shared experience and joy-filled heart...we know that you absolutely are.  (Oh, and don't hesitate to share your wisdom with us on how to live REFIT!  Simply hit "reply" and share with us, or tag us on social media using the #liveREFIT hashtag!)



Angela Beeler

10 years ago

Wise words, Charlotte! Where are you in Florida?! We hope to see you and your beautiful spirit at a REFIT® training soon! We need your spunk and enthusiasm in our community!

Angela Beeler

10 years ago

THIS is the perfect example of making that internal switch. Sometimes it's easy to flip. Sometimes it requires a pep talk or a frank conversation. I'm glad your hear was renewed!

10 years ago

Wow! I love this. I'm getting closer and closer to stepping away from the "instructor status" I hold with a popular trending program. I have literally been attending classes since 2006 and love the energy. Two years ago, I launched out and became "licensed" in 4 areas. I have not been successful in attaining nor have I even worked hard at attaining classes. A little subbing here and there. I believe some of it is the "performance-driven" aspect of the classes that I sense but I'm not "performance driven". I actually have "stage fright" . I'm so impressed with Refit.......I'm liking it more and more. Refit has been so encouraging that I even had the "nerve" to contact my church re: a "Christian fitness program" and it's on! It is a fitness ministry and when I become "a refit instructor", I can share that uplifting/inspiring energy to the class . Free is another reason I'm impressed with Refit. I believe that we are responsible as Christians/God's creation, to take care of our "temples" and we should not have to "pay" to keep care of ourselves. My motivation is other people-like you-I love people and I love having accountability. No amount of money could keep me going. But serving God and loving people will!! So, like others have said "love me some Refit". It's faith, fitness, fun, fellowship, free! I do hope and pray that I get to meet you all in September! Charlotte Worthington Faithful in Florida

Naomi Holland

10 years ago

I've been really thinking about what this article means ever since I read it. It definitely challenged me. I guess I've been teaching Refit not living it. I've been so focused and frustrated that my classes rarely have over 10 participants. Often, I also feel so insecure at the front. Angela, Emily and Catherine are all so beautiful. They always look great, they have great moves and their personalities just draw you in. I on the other hand am not very spunky, I struggle with HOW to build community, what am I supposed to say to encourage my class, I'm definitely a nuts and bolts kind of girl, that part is easy. Well, today as I lead my small class, I tried to LIVE REFIT. I decided to work out and have fun just like I did when I got my first Refit DVD. You know it worked, it was fun! I had a great work out and enjoyed myself. I did not worry that I only had 5 ladies but instead I noticed their smiles, that they are having fun and that they are improving and learning the choreography. I felt so proud of them. Thank you Refit for this reminder and shift of focus. It never ceases to amaze me how you guys take fitness to a whole other level. You guys are really amazing at what you do. Praise the Lord for equipping you so well to do what he has obviously called you to do. Thanks.




