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February 11, 2014


By Angela Beeler


So here's the real my travel #misadventures have increased, so have the frequently asked questions.   I thought I'd answer them in a public format because frankly, I'm beginning to sound like an automated answering service.  I'm too old, and my voice is not pleasing for most of humankind.  These are questions that seem to chase me as a mom...from other moms.  So let's cut to the chase and cease the inquiring minds.  Here we go:


A:  Every. Single. Day.  Just kidding!  The truth is I travel more than a lot of moms; mostly on weekends.  I do this because it's part of my J-O-B, and that job is my CHOICE.  The honest truth is that we limit our traveling events to no more than twice a month.  We don't travel at all during some months.  There is no set schedule, just parameters around what we won't do...and we won't travel more than twice a month.  But when you guys see our travel schedule, it looks a lot more grueling than it really is (so stop peering at me over your reading glasses).  Does this cause me to miss some very important events or gatherings?  Yes.  And it makes me sad, at times...but there's a sacrifice that comes with every choice whether that's sacrificing to stay at home with your kids, joining the military or starting a business.  I'm okay.  You're okay.  Okay?


A:  I looked into kid kennels.  Interestingly enough, they don't exist.  (If someone wants a business idea...there you go.)  So when I travel, I prefer more traditional methods in the form of:  MY HUSBAND.  Call me a strategist, call me revolutionary...I realize this is a radical solution given my southern-belle culture.  Look, it works for us.  My husband is a kind creature, and believe it or kids love him just like they love me!  There may be an opportunity one day for us to all travel together, but for now the training weekends are handled by the man they call daddy, who also happens to have 50% ownership of our offspring.


A:  AH!  I'm onto you.  Like a CIA agent, I'm reading between the lines and what you're really asking is "do you miss your family when you travel?"  The answer: NO . (Gasp!  WHAT?!  I know.  I'm a terrible mother.)   I tested ENTJ on the Myers-Briggs, so "emotions" aren't actually a big part of my daily living, and I don't think in terms of missing people, affectionately hugging puppies, or carrying Kleenex into movies.  Look, I love my job as though it were my fourth child.  And much like a girls' trip, couples retreat or scrapbook weekend, I love REFIT® Training Weekends.  I'd be lying to you all if I said I parted my family with tears and fears.  I don't.  I hop on a plane with two of my best friends and two incredibly fun business partners...and we wheels-up with a big "Yippppeeeeee!"  Believe me if I didn't love my job, it certainly wouldn't justify leaving my DNA on weekends.


A:  (Read: tell me about your failures with such a grueling work schedule.) Ok.  I fail all the time.  Like a lot.  I live in managed chaos, and I have a pretty big secret weapon:  ASSISTANTS.  Plural, people.  Don't miss that...assistantS.  I have 2-3 amazing girls who keep my life running smoothly:  grocery shopping, dinner prep, kid taxi, babysitting, house cleaning, errands, foot rubs (just kidding).  Katie, Jessa and Emily get public props here because they absolutely help keep my ship running.  I am forever grateful to these girls...and of course, my husband, who allows me to write these checks each month through gritted teeth which he presents as a smile. : )  Also, I don't cook.  I have an amazing kitchen, and I am a great "food preparer"...but I don't really like actually cook.  In Jesus name, Amen.

So there you go.  All your deepest questions unlocked and loaded.  I realize my lifestyle and job requirements aren't for most.  I spent 10 years growing babies for mankind within the four walls of my home, and I'll never regret the sacrifice.  But I'm also really, really happy to be part of a start-up business that brings me immense opportunity, unlimited creative outlets, and uninhibited joy.  You may not understand or even agree with the lifestyle I lead, but hear me say:  I'm kinda in the middle of a pretty cool REVolution, and that keeps me moving forward in managed chaos with a smile on my face.

XXOO, Angela



9 years ago

I know I am super late to this party but thanks for being so honest. I love my kids and they are still little right now and I am a stay at home mom and I struggle with guilt over the fact I do want more someday. Love what you guys are doing❤

Ada Velez

10 years ago

Love the REAL!!!----kid kennels----now that's classic!!!!!

Barbara Mullins

10 years ago

I say if it works for you, your husband and your children, its y'all's business! Thats it

Chris Smaglis

11 years ago

Karen...I don't have any children either.. Luckily I have amazing women who lovingly support that....which is to their benefit, because I SERVE THEM!!!! We make choices (or the choice is made for us - in your case) what do we do with that? WE SERVE GOD AND SERVE OTHERS!!!! Ahhh!!!!!

Penny de Tuanama

11 years ago

Thanks so much for your transparency! I currently find myself a single mommy, (due to decisions beyond my control), and have been trapped in a mentality that motherhood has to look exactly ONE way or you're doing it wrong and your kids are gonna be screwed up! I love my children dearly and good portion of my life is poured into them and I want it to be, but I need to be an individual as well, with hopes and dreams, and I think it's good for them to see that too! Everyone's situation isn't the same... Can we have some freedom please to walk out our life according to God's plan for us and not according to everyone else's! If I'm following God with my whole heart and I'm teaching my children by word and example in a very intentional way. That's what matters! How I go about it should be as individual as I am, as God created me to be!!! So Rock on little Momma! You've encouraged me today! Plus I spend every other weekend away from my kids now whether I like it or not. And hallelujah for NOT COOKING! If I could make that happen.... YAY!!!

Claire McNamara

11 years ago

Love this. And it helps me understand. It works for YOU. And it works for a lot of other moms, too! Staying at home works for mommies like me. I admire all that you are able to do. I couldn't do it. God gave you gifts that enable you to minister the way you do. I encourage all moms to find their gifts so they can minister right where they are! That is the key to abundant life. The kingdom, people. Right now it may be your babies at home. Later it may be loving on strippers in a night club as you speak the truth of God's unconditional love for them. When your kids are in school full time, you may right a book. When they graduate, you may become a traveling evangelist like Beth Moore. Who knows? Your heart has no boundaries! As my dear friend Angela Beeler has told me many times: YOU ARE ENOUGH.


11 years ago

INTJ's rule the world...

LILY johnson

11 years ago

Washington DC or Washington State?

Fran Means

11 years ago

I love your openness! I'm an INTJ so I can relate! I spent 10 years or so at home, raising fours sons before I went to work outside the home. In the middle of all that I continued with fitness in several forms---walking, aerobics, martial arts and teaching women's self-defense. After the boys left home, my husband and I square-danced and now iI with retirement, I get to teach Zumba Gold! It is true that there are seasons in life so we can afford to wait for the timing to be right!


11 years ago

Great blog post. Your beautiful kids and husband will be so proud of you for doing this amazing work. You gals rock! It will be good for the girls to have some time with daddy while mommy is time?! Keep up your amazing work, it is such a blessing for you to be able to do something you love, believe in and have such a positive impact on people all over the world now. Keep it up, you are so inspirational x


11 years ago

I love it when you write!! Hmmmmm.... Kid kennels..... Wait, I don't like kids, what am I thinking??


11 years ago

cant wait to pick up a few kid kennels when i have kids. ill keep them right beside holly's kennel at home. PERFECT. angela, you ROCK and I wanna be like you! :)

Jennifer P

11 years ago

I just love you! I hope one of these days I'm a mom as awesome as you. And my own mother :)


11 years ago

Angela, I give you huge props for being so honest and "graphic" in your FAQ summary. I have been following the REFIT team for some time. You girls do a great job and have really made a positive impact on the fitness industry. I applaud your hard work to get your business started and achieve this success level. I personally believe that quality time is the key to a happy home life. It seems like you have identified and addressed most of the time thieves to your quality life at home. I hope your husband and girls are proud of you. I think you are a great example of the modern working mom. Keep up the good work girl!! :-)


11 years ago

Thank you for your sacrifice so that I can exercise, ENJOY IT & get healthy. I hear ya on the growing kiddos for 10 years!


11 years ago

This just makes me love you all the more! Love your honesty and candidness. Girl, plain and simple, you ROCK! No one has the right to judge, that's up to Him....the ONE. If it wouldn't work for others, so be it, but it works for you and your family so I say, do it, be it, OWN you already do so well. Love & Hugs from TN!!


11 years ago

Kid kennels - funny!


11 years ago

Thank you for your transparency as a seasoned mom... totally encouraging as I begin to step out of the 100% mommy at home all-day-every-day into more time enjoying things that recharge my batteries. <3


11 years ago

I love all of you girls so much!!!! I'll too will be honest. I miss you girls terribly when several days go by without seeing each one of you. Thanks to all of you for always taking care of us!!! You girls have an amazing ministry!!! I am so proud of each one of you and yall have taught us all so much. I truly believe God has taught me so much thru Refit.....for the first time in my life I am allowing Christ to define me...I have learned this from you ladies!! Love you all bunches!!!


11 years ago

Perfectly said. I had similar questions when my kids were young. My husband was always a bit miffed when the "well-meaning" would say to him..... "So you are babysitting tonight huh?". He was always patient and kind but inside was saying... I am their Dad... why am I just babysitting while when mom is with them it's parenting? You go girl and while you are at it head to PA. We want to get trained!!!


11 years ago

Angela, from Mom to Mom. YOU ROCK!! Nuff said!! Love you ladies!!

Amanda Cash

11 years ago

If you ever discover the "kid kennel" thing actually happening somewhere, let us know. :) Seriously, though, this FAQ is part of the reason I am so proud (and inspired) to be a part of this REFIT Revolution. All of us could learn to show a little more love and a little (or a lot) less judgment - others' lives may not look like ours, may be choices we WISH we could make, or may be choices we could NEVER make...and it's all ok. I used to bemoan the fact that I couldn't do it all--work full time, have a perfect magazine-looking house, and have home-cooked balanced meals on the table every single night for my husband & 2 kids. People like you have inspired me to know that I don't need to be all things to all people--I just need to be who God made ME to be.


11 years ago

Angela - As a working mother who travels for work, I get it. I can't tell you how many of those questions I have gotten in the past. Especially what do you do with your kids while you travel? I laugh and say the same thing you husband manages. Managed chaos is the new way of life for most of us. Being a mother of 2 daughter, I honestly think that they will learn valuable tools from us that they will improve on as they grow up. Keep on keeping are amazing. Love you ladies! Heidi


11 years ago

I think your awesome! I've been following you and Refit since you came to our school in Houston as Hot z Team. And I love what you guys do and the impact you have on people! I love how you keep it real and are not afraid to share the mistakes and the triumphs and how your heart is for people to be better people through the love of Jesus and fitness! So thank you!


11 years ago

I sat here and read this with such joy! I love your spunk and knowing exactly who you are. And it is absolutely true that you have to answer to nobody but your own family and your own self. I so commend you. :-) So grateful to have met the three of you in Chicago last year!


11 years ago

Angela.... I love u gals so much! Love that you BElieve!!! Ya'll are in the most exciting moments. :-) "Keep moving forward." That's our motto. Regardless of others opinion(s).... I love that you are settled in who you are in your Creator and as a wife and mother. Love You!!!!! One day I will train with ya'll. .... will not give up on the vision and dream inside given to me... one day friend, one day! Give my love to Catherine and Emily!!! Xoxo


11 years ago

Hilarious!!! And, most importantly...REAL. Part of what makes you a great mom and wife is who you are and what you love...and if one of the things you love is Refit, then, by all means, embrace it! Your children will learn drive, motivation, service, fitness, etc...just by your example. I am a happily married mother of 6 beautiful kids! But what I wouldn't give for a getaway! Thankfully my hubby understands that and does his best to make it happen as regularly as it can with our busy schedule! And when I get home from that getaway, or just get home from teaching a class, I am a better mom and wife! Keep doing what you do! YOU are an inspiration! But I believe we all inspire each other and that's how it should be! :)


11 years ago

Love this!! Thanks for being honest and funny. I feel the same way - I love my job - not many can say it -


11 years ago

My personal opinion - You are "Enough" ...& Awesome just the way you are!!!! No accountability necessary but trust me; you will feel better now that you answered those questions! The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His Love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17. Blessings, stay strong & never be without a smile!!!!


11 years ago

My goodness, people are curious creatures aren't they?! Some of those questions seem a bit...unnecessary to me. Thank you for sharing this. It is empowering to this mom who gets accused of neglecting her children by being away from them one extra hour a day to exercise and teach a great class. Truth is, that one extra hour could translate into more years tacked onto my life at the end. I come home in a better mental frame of mind after a stressful day at the office, and my body is staying healthy. I think our kids would say this is fine with them, don't you? Keep on momma, you are doing a GREAT job!

Angela Beeler

11 years ago

Thanks, Stacey! I've spent years keeping it FAKE. Enough of was exhausting!

Angela Beeler

11 years ago

I get that, Karen. I have friends who have chosen not to have children. The judgmental looks and comments towards them are insane!


11 years ago

Thank you, Angela for keeping it HONEST and REAL! I also love the message, and blessings on your life journey! See you in Washington!


11 years ago

Kid kennels?! Hahaha!


11 years ago

Kid kennels-laughing so hard right now! I think you're awesome!

Karen Fisher

11 years ago

I love this. We're all different. I wasn't able to have any children and you would think, by some folks reaction, that I was a complete failure as a woman. I'm not. I love that you wrote this and I love the message. We're all different. We all handle our particular situations in the way that works best for us and our loved ones. Thank God we're not all the same and we don't all do things the same. How boring a world that would be. Rock on Angela! The ripple effect of your chosen job is immense.




