This weekend I took a negativity fast, and although it wasn't my first one -- it was the first one that I actually needed. Years ago, I participated in a negativity fast even though I was pretty optimistic about everything. I did it because, well...everyone was doing it. But this weekend, I knew it had to happen. I wanted it to happen...for me. It' seems that the older I've gotten, the more it seems that life is happening to me. I’ve grown up…grown harder in some ways. Shut down. Cynical. Frustrated. Mistrusting…Negative.
Optimism comes naturally to some of us. Some folks are just naturally more positive than others. Some of us struggle with seasons of negativity, and I found myself in this unfamiliar place. The one thing that levels the playing field, is that we are all human. We’ve all walked through deserts, storms and heartaches. Circumstances have chipped away at our armor, at our resilience, and at times, our hearts.
Wherever you are on the spectrum, let’s take a moment and talk about gaining freedom from negativity.
First, take a moment to identify the negativity in your life. What does negativity look like on you? Are you prone to:
Negativity can disguise itself as sarcasm, acting as a shield of defense or protection. While your friends might think your self-deprecating comment was hilarious, you just chipped away at your own soul. A laugh, at the expense of yourself.
Negativity also has potential to sow seeds of bitterness, and bitterness isn’t so easy get rid of. It permeates, it lingers. It takes root in the heart and mind and can choke out any sliver of hope.
A cheerful heart is the breeding ground for vibrant emotional health. In order to maintain a cheerful heart, we must remove the weeds of negative thinking from our lives.
Proverbs 17:22-a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up bones.”
Are you interested in taking a negativity fast? Don't feel pressure to do so...take inventory of your overall attitude and decide for yourself. If you think you're ready, then read on...
Negativity Fast Practicals:
-----Reflect--think about a the most peaceful moment you’ve had, or about a time where you have never been happier. Pick a moment that brings joy in your heart.
-----Change your state--if you’re slouched over in your desk chair, trying to “think happy thoughts”’re already losing half the battle. Sit up, stand up, move around. Sometimes our negativity is due to our physical state.
-----Thankfulness--this one is powerful. Combat your negative thoughts with thoughts of thankfulness. It can feel cheesy or even painful at first, but after a minute of listing out what you are thankful for, your outlook on life will be mo’ betta.
-----Declare--whether they are negative thoughts towards yourself, others, or a circumstance, it’s time to take a stand against them. Declare what is true. For example, if my negative thought is, “Ugh, I’m so stupid.” I will declare, “I’m not stupid, I am wise, I am smart, and I am resourceful.”
This is a meaningful fast that will at the very least make you THINK about what you think. Don't forget to head over to Facebook for you Daily Journey Check In.
(no video discussion today, but be sure to follow us on Periscope...we may do an impromptu live broadcast!)
Thinking positively about you guys today!
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