"Nothing about this journey of [dreaming] makes much sense when you're sitting in the stands. God meets his friends on the field. Every time. Always in that place where you risk your heart. How he enters that game with you is the best adventure novel you will ever read. What he asks of us is to stay on the field with him and resist the urge to crawl back into the stands." --Paula Rinehart
The longings and desires of your heart may have gone unattended to for awhile. Maybe you've put your dreams on a shelf due to reality, circumstance or just simply "growing up." But we're asking you to get out step ladder, reach high on to the top shelf, grab that dust-covered dream and take another look at it.
Have you ever stopped to think "what if?" What if you had started that ministry? What if you had completed that degree? What if you had moved to that city for that corporate job? These questions might paralyze you and make you scowl at your current reality, but guess what? The longing and desire for that adventure remains and while you may not be able to go back in time, you can absolutely move forward with a newfound passion, purpose and desire.
Let's get to today's discussion. Watch Catherine and Angela discuss the topic of DREAMING:
Head on over for today's check in HERE
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago