If you've ever considered becoming a REFIT® instructor or if you're wondering about why anyone would choose to become part of our instructor network...read on!
Our newly-certified instructor, Joni, sent us this review, and we think you should read what she has to say!
Joni writes:
"My heart is full. Bear with me for a few minutes while I empty it, will you?
Today I am overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, and feel I must communicate my thankfulness with you for the many ways REFIT® has blessed me. My husband has been a youth pastor and now senior pastor for a total of 10 years. It has been a lonely thing to be “at the top.” We are non-denominational, not a part of any big associations or networks, and also have been the ones to lead many of the ministries and Bible studies at our own church. To say we have been burned a few times would be insanely mild. We are in a current phase of change, with some outside sources coming in to finally help us get out of the week-to-week rut (survival mode) – and really take time to stop and build a vision that makes sense and the people can get behind.
It has been a rewarding but frustrating 10 years.
Then, for Christmas, my husband surprised me by going behind my back and buying REFIT® tanks, DVDs and my CERTIFICATION weekend in Maryland. His words to me Christmas day were, “It’s your turn.”
I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I have found the spark, the fire, the passion that has slowly died over the last several years. I am falling in love with people again!
I have taught a total of ONE REFIT® class, and it has been the most thrilling thing I’ve ever done. I know I will have hard days, low classes, physical challenges, dry seasons, but let me tell you what I have found in REFIT is the support I have always longed for in my soul:
1. COMMUNITY. I’m starting to have more faith in people! What I have seen within the REFIT® instructor community over the last month is more real and healthy than I have ever seen in my life – anywhere. REFIT is a community of LEADERS who are driven, positive, encouraging and feel like ACTUAL FAMILY, even though I’ve only met a few of them. They are the people who always show up, who keep commitments and to look for ways to share the love of Christ by utilizing their passion for fun fitness.
2. ORGANIZATION. I don’t think I can clearly communicate how strongly I feel about this one--the REFIT® staff and leadership has done years of hard work and long nights to pull off what I cannot fathom. Fun trainings that are affordable and incredibly inspiring, unique styles of dancing that encompass everyone’s tastes, newsletter templates that make us look like marketing geniuses, a plethora of insanely creative graphics, backgrounds, punchcards, templates, etc. They also take new teachers and make them look like professionals, videos and articles about how to do everything we’ve never done, playlist databases and choreography sharing with guidelines that protect us. Also, I see ideas about how to stay organized that have me saying, “I hadn’t thought of that!”
3. MOTIVATION. Every. Single. Day. REFIT® surprises me with something new all the time – a devotional about a Scripture I need to hear, food advice, notes about lyrics to a song you just released, reminders to not take ourselves too seriously and forget Christ in it all, great shopping deals, travel tips, fun pics of goofiness that show you are real people, highlights of other instructors and their gifts or solutions to struggles…I could go on and on.
I felt compelled to share with you, from a newbie perspective, just how appreciative I am for the powerhouse I have seen in REFIT® within one month since I was certified. I no longer feel alone in my leadership, and I feel like I can really start to lead others well again because I have a soundboard, a safe place and several hundred virtual hugs when I turn away from my daily life and back to the REFIT® community after a long day.
All of that says nothing of the courage, bravery and passion that REFIT® has shared to step out in faith and be the ones to create what was lacking. I thank God every day for bringing me to REFIT and giving me passion again.
Joni P.
9 years ago
10 years ago