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May 4, 2015


By Angela Beeler


Wrapping up a REFIT® training weekend isn’t easy. We call it “The Re-entry”. Re-entry is the moment when we arrive home and leave behind an adrenaline-packed weekend of fitness events, amazing people and travel (mis)adventures.

It’s a hard transition for me, personally, because reality has a way of smacking me in the face the moment my feet hit the ground. The laundry is piled up, the kids want my attention, the emails and messages have gone unanswered, the house is a wreck, business issues are pressing…and it’s enough to make me regret the time away.

And then, the mommy guilt sets in.

I’m an all-or-nothing kinda gal, and when mommy guilt sets in – I want out. Out of the busy schedule. Out of the demands of being an entrepreneur. Out of the tag team parenting. Out of the futile attempt to balance it all. I JUST WANT OUT.

Thankfully, “out” is neither an option nor a solution.

This month we’re talking about a word that I think will help the “all or nothing” personality types out there. That word is MODIFICATION.  For the month of May we’ll be focusing on ways to modify our lives to create space, balance, clarity and lots of other good-for-you things.

The definition of modification is: to make partial or minor changes to something, typically as to improve it or make it less extreme.  We hear a lot of talk about MODERATION, but modification is a different beast and in our opinion, a more attainable goal for the vast number of women who are committed to a rather chaotic, demanding, schedule-driven life.

We realize that the call to "simplify" and "do less" and "prioritize" works for many women, but isn't always a fit for those dealing with an over-scheduled schedule...and that's okay.

Women shouldn't feel “less than” because their complex, disorganized, everything-is-a-priority lives won’t bow to concepts like “simplicity” "prioritize” and “do less”.

For these women, we’ll be discussing ways to make small modifications that will hopefully improve processes, create efficiency, provide options and renew perspective and clarity. We’re excited to tackle our existing lives and implement practical switches that will reduce the chaos and help us become a confident ringmaster of our circus-like lives.

Make sure you're connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so we can discuss ways to modify: your diet, your workouts, your negative thought patterns, your business, your life, your heart, etc.

And speaking of modification, we’d love to know if you're currently modifying anything?  We'd love to be inspired by your modification ideas.  Leave a comment below and give us a glimpse into your modification process!


Marion Palomino

10 years ago

Right back at ya Catherine!

Catherine Ballas

10 years ago

Love you, Marion!!

Marion Palomino

10 years ago

Angela, I need to modify my time to include REFIT TIME. I have gotten down on myself because of my weigh gain and I need to work on modifying my attitude about things and love me!


10 years ago

Tammy, I totally think that modifying attitude counts! I think that has to come before a lot of other modifications we make actually! Thanks for the reminder that I need to work on modifying my attitude as well!

Tammy Bauman

10 years ago

My family and I are preparing for diet modifications for the whole summer; our daughter comes home from college tomorrow, and she adopted a vegan lifestyle over a year ago. So, while she's home we follow it, too. And there are many things my husband and I find we actually like BETTER when we do this for her breaks at home. And I'm not sure if this counts, but I'm also working hard to modify my attitude in general. I grew up in a home where the default responses to everything (people, activities, etc) were negative and critical. And then I endured an abusive relationship for 9 years (high school and college, but fortunately NOT marriage - thanks be to God!) which fostered this attitude. So, I'm trying to always acknowledge the positive in situations and interactions with others.

Angela Beeler

10 years ago

Yes! I'm a big believer in ME TIME!!

Angela Beeler

10 years ago

The fact that you're 20 and even thinking about such things proves that you will be wildly successful. Way to go!

Angela Beeler

10 years ago

Clare Smith is a great friend of ours! Good plan...


10 years ago

I am modifying my week days to incorporate "me" time! "Me" time means things that are not "responsibilities" So, my chosen activities are : Refit and Gardening!!


10 years ago

This week, I am modifying my mindset as I am a 20-something year old single female trying to figure out the direction of life that I want to go in. I have been very fortunate with my experiences thus far and want to use them within my career, but struggle which path to take. I always thought I would have had it all figured out by now. How naive:) I definitely feel like I could go in so many directions and have a lot of advice coming at me from all angles. Hence, I am taking a step back and literally taking it one day at a time. Being grateful for food on the table, amazing weather here in Florida, my travels and memories, coffee in the morning, a healthy body to run and dance, and a mind to choose. It has been a breath of fresh air to let go and breathe when needed. Staying responsible and yet giving myself the ability to dream and stay positive. All in timing - and yes, the journey!

Amber Keller

10 years ago

Thank you, girls, for always being so real!! This week I am modifying my diet by taking Clare Smith's Clean Eating Challenge. My goal is to spend a week really focusing on eating healthier foods so that long-term I will shift to reaching for the healthier foods rather than something that's quick and easy but has empty calories. It's a lifelong journey, and I want yo enjoy it and feel great!!!




